because i write the blog
but by serious asking from this random guy, i'm writing on this blog from time to time now......
great, yes i know i am!!! but remember i am still not writing the full blog, because.....
if you see a post that says "OMG I LOVE EMILY OSMENT, SHE IS SPICY!!" it won't be me, it will be, the random kid that i don't know the name of! here it is my first post about none other than.....
joe jonas!!! yes, the guy who has plastered the walls of BILLIONS OF GIRLS BEDROOMS!!!! which then is soon to be followed by mothers getting scared that there kid is mental!
i speak from expirience! haha, lol!!! yep, not funny!! bored now...........

the name of this blog is retarded......
"kool place for kool cids" it's kind of like this blog is the place where cool sloth's go!!! like cid, from ice age!!
plus it's copied from my blog, MAYBE THE GUY WHO ASKED ME TOO WRITE HERE WAS A STOCKER!!!!!
so i change the name!!!! look at the header....
it's different
i'm not a stocker
nope, your right, your a stalker.
nice spelling.
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